Budget woes

I need to make a budget for the family and I have read that cash budgets are the best :) we shall see how it works!!

Birth Announcements

Hooray! I finished ordering Timmy's birth announcements yesterday from Shutterfly. I had points with pampers gifts that grow so I got 50 for the price of shipping :)

I saved 40 dollars!! I have to wash baby clothes and clean Violets room today ☺

I'm having fun watching Violet stare at Snow White on DVD.

It's been too long ..

It has been a super busy few weeks since I have last updated! We had our baby boy Timothy Gerald Miller III on January 3, 2013 at 1:23 PM. He was born at 9 lbs 11 oz and 22 inches long!

I am currently on maternity leave for 6 weeks and will return to work on February 13, 2013! So I get a mini vacation! We have had a fun 1st week with Violet and Timmy together! This week I have returned to the normal schedule of Violet going to stay the day with my mom. I want to be sure there aren't too many changes for her.

I am hoping to update more now that the pregnancy is over! Lots of love everyone!!